Regular Events:

High Table, Every Monday through Thursday, five to seven o’clock post meridiem: Members, petitioners and friends dine together and engage in informal discussion.

Conservative Party Debate Caucus, Weekly on a weekday evening, half after seven o’clock post meridiem: Debates on formal resolutions related to political philosophy, religion, history, ethics and aesthetics.

Yale Political Union Debate, Weekly on a weekday evening, half after seven o’clock post meridiem: Debates with the wider Yale Political Union membership on resolutions featuring guest speakers.

Sir Thomas More Lecture Series, Every Friday, half past noon: Luncheons with Yale professors who provide insights on a range of academic interests.

Other Events, Monthly or Semesterly: Toasting Sessions (in the tradition of Mory’s Temple Bar), Lord Great Chamberlain’s Nights (cards, games and general revelry), and the Allan Bloom Forum (prominent guests speak on issues related to Western Civilization).

For any questions about the above events, please contact the Rt. Hon. Chief Whip.


Get in Touch

Interested in joining the Party?

Membership is by Petition. Please contact the Rt. Hon. Chief Whip if interested.

Inquiries from the press are best referred to the Chairman.